Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Pro Life? Or is Pro Birth More Appropriate?

I can't believe I'm making my first blog post about such a crazy subject.  Any who know me however, will believe this and not even at an eye.

Whatever!  My name is Dave.  I'm 40-odd and live in the DFW area.   I'm a lefty living in the Land of Bush so I don't run into a wide range of diverging opinions about things like this.  

As a man I feel like I shouldn't even have a toe in the debate.  After all, I'll never have to wrestle with the turmoil a woman must go through. I'll go so far as to say that its a poor form of birth control.  But condoms break, the pill is only 99% effective, etc.  So clearly that makes me Pro Choice.  But I can't help noticing a few things that have always confused me:

  • Why are the vast majority of Pro-Life activists I see really old, really male or both?  I mean, they're in no real danger of becoming pregnant, so what's the problem?   
  • How can a country that supposedly separates Church and State justify legislating reproductive rights in any way whatsoever?  I mean, it seems to me that a good lawyer could challenge any abortion legislation on First Amendment grounds.  Then challenge the Court itself for the same thing... 
  • Say we make it illegal again.  Who goes to jail?  Doctor, Mother or both?
  • And here's the biggest question I have which, by the way, I've never heard any Lifer address:  What do we do with all the kids?!??  It seems like most of the debate ends as soon as the little rug-rat gasps its first breath.  Its like the assumption is made that these un-wanted children will be joyfully embraced by their parents and live a long happy life behind the picket fence.  Uh, no.  Many if not most will end up in the System.  That System that most of these same people want to gut even more than they already are.  Adoption?  Sure, at least for a few.  You know, the ones that aren't addicted or premature or not quite the right color.  Where do the rest go?? And who pays for it, you conservatives?? 
OK, maybe that was a touch on the controversial side for a first post.  Future posts may be political, or musical, or comedical.  Hope you follow along!


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